
As my title suggests I am a nappy mad knitter. I have a huge love for cloth nappies, ever since I started using them when my son was 2 months old, I have tried almost every nappy available. The only other things that rank really high on my love list are my family and friends(which are top of the list) and knitting. Which I spend at least 4 hours per day on. Hense being a nappy agent and setting up a knitting business, pure heaven on earth :0).

Friday, July 28, 2006

First attempt at crocheting

Been one of those days for the last few days. Have had no time for anything, but still got stuff done, really thought I had achieved nothing, But looking back and totting up what I have made, have almost cleared my custom order list( 3 items in total), with only a pair of shorts to complete and a soaker for my DD, think it's about time she had one as she has long outgrown hers, so that is defiantly next on my list before even picking up my ASC jumper or scarf again.

Have also found time to try something new, when youhave touble sleeping there is always time to fill, Decided it was about time that I learnt how to crochet, my elderly great aunt is always bring me the most beautiful crochet things an would love to make something myself. I have a small bagful of items that she wants me to sell.

Well my efforts are nowhere near a patch on hers, I started off making a scarf, and amasingly I finished up with a scarf even though I started it wrong, worked it wrong and did a repeat of one row and totally missed out another, not forgetting the fact that I miss read the instructions totally, so here are some pictures of the finished product.

A close up of the scarf, bit hard to see as its' so curly, anbd below the whole thing. Appologies for the ends, not got round to sewing them in yet, also not 100% sure on the best way to secure them. Once I have had a it more of a practice I hope to offer these as a stock line when the weather gets cooler.

That it for now,

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wool stash

It has come to my attention while sorting out my yarn that my personal stash is quite small considering the amount of boxes with wool in that I own.

the complete list is - 2 skiens or lornas laces, 3 balls of sock yarn, 3 skiens of noro and 1 skein of knitting godess hand dyed silk. THe later I have no idea what to do with it. IT's so beautiful to look at it seams a shame to unwind it just for any project. SO I need something specail to make with it, it's 4ply and weighs 100grams

Have allso recieved a nice squisy wool parcel, of the most beautiful shades of yarn, here is a sneeky peek

Knitting has taken a bit of a back seat the last few days, My husband has decided that he would like to do a car boot so muggins has been up adn down the attic trying to sort out stuff for him to take. I've definatly reached the worse before it's better look, there is stuff everywhere. Thankfully I have also managed to freecycle

As promised pictures of my wip's

My ASC jumper, have used 2 50g balls of yarn so far really enjoying making this looking forward to starting the sleeves as there is a new technique used that I havn't tried before.

This is my latest attemp at the fibre trends falling in love scarf pattern, I am knitting it with double knit wool on 4mm pony pearls which I am also trying for the first time. I find them quite bendy, but the fabric slides nicely across them. definatly prefer them to plastic needles, bamboo ones are my firm favourites at the moment.

Monday, July 24, 2006

How often to blog

Is once a day to often, how about once a week? Really don't know, even though I am only a few days into mine I am finding it helpful to see where I am at iykwim.

Also finding that I am spending more time than I really thought knitting. Not sure if I should be embaressed by that or not.

Todays list is quite substantial.

Having got up handy I felt ready to face the world at 9a so trundled of to the postoffice with my first of several finished projects today. The shorts pictured in my previous post have been completed, unfortunalty forgot to take a picture before sending them to their new owner..

Called in at my dads for a while and put the world to rights over a cuppa, then back to my needles. Having decided for various reasons that I wasn't keen on my scarf I have relogated it to the cuboard where it will stay until I have a practice run on some DK. Must say that the DK is easier to work, after I have finished I will pick up my lornas laces and start again, it is much to beautiful a yarn to make mistakes with.

Before lunch I finished a soaker and packed it up, dropped DS of for his first afternoon in holiday club and went to lunch with my mum then you guessed it back to my knitting. Having by this point completed 3 and a bit repeats on the pattern at 60 rows each I am pleased that I have achieved something pretty today. THe 2 inches I worked on the back of my ASC sweater where nowhere near as rewarding.

Looking forward to tomorrow or maybe the next day as I will have more bright dyes yarn to work witth and can finally complete the orders that I have outstanding. As a treat I think I might spend a few hours more on making something for me. THe scarf and sweater I have on the gfo at the moment are the first things that I have made for myseklf in almost 5 years.

Will put up pictures soon of progress so far on my current projects, will try not to add anything else to the ever growing list of WIP's, a

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Its surprising

What you can do in one day when you put your mind to something.

Havn't stopped since I got up today, well until now. Admitidly most of the time I have been sat on my bum knitting, it doesn't count properly as being lazy though as I have been working. Here is a picture of todays efforts.

It is a large pair of shorts, made using bright dyes yarn, just have the gussett to finish. Have had so much time to work today. DH took the kids down the beach there is a fair there now for a week. THen the festival starts, looking forward to that as there is normally a huge craft tent there.

I'm aspiring one day to have a table in that event, and many of the others that have e-mailed me and asked if I would like to attend. Find it hard being a mum to under fives and working from home. For the time being though DH is home and I am getting so much more done, I can spend 4 hours knitting during the day and have the evenings once the kids are in bed. Before I'd have the evenings only and be shattered from the day, so not get much

On the other end of the scale I think we are getting on each others nerves a little, and I'm preparing for everything being turned upside down now that school is out for the summer. We have our eldest booked into kids club for 3 afternoons a week so he can keep in touch with his friends.

On the cards for tonight, I really can't decide. I was suppost to be going out last night but DH decided that he would like to go fishing, so thought I owuld go out tonight instead. Not sure if I can really be bothered quite like to plod on with my knitting, I have another pattern that I really want to get started. It's not like I am short of things to do either is it

Saturday, July 22, 2006

My first entry

And I can't think what to say. My mind is a total blank, where usually it is full of nappies and knitting which are almost perminatly on my brain.

Today has been a lovely day, met up with one of my best friends and walked to treaddurbay with my daughter. She was made up when we finally got to her house, she has a beautiful wooden floor which as my DD discovered makes a wonderfully fun stomping sound if she walked in a certain way kept her ammused for ages.

DH took my son fishing, but caught nothing apart from some seaweed. They had a good time, they really seam to have a taste for it now. We have 6 macerall in the freezer from there last trip.

Today I have spent 2 hours doing the house work, I really wish I wouldn't let things mount up. Washed 2 loads of nappies and watched them blow in the wind while I cleaned the kitchen, sucha rewarding sight.

Have also done lots of knitting, an inch on the back of a jumper I have promised myself for over a year, it's made with a nice variated all seasons cotton, shade - slash.

2 inches on a beautiful scarf pattern with lornas laces sock yarn in a beautiful cranberry colour , kindly brought by my summer secret santa :0)

It was suppose to be knitted on 4mm needles, but decided that it looked far to baggy and messy so switched to 3mm which has given it a much neater look does mean that it is narrow measuring only 5 and a quarter inches wide when pattern states 8 inches wide. Apparently it is fashionable to have long thin scarfs, just hope I have enough of the wool to make it to a decent length. This is my first proper attempt at something with lacey detail.

Have also done some work, sewn the waist band of 3 pairs of shorts and almost finished a small soaker.

Considering I didn't know what to say I haven't shut up yet, really could talk the hind legs of a donkey