
As my title suggests I am a nappy mad knitter. I have a huge love for cloth nappies, ever since I started using them when my son was 2 months old, I have tried almost every nappy available. The only other things that rank really high on my love list are my family and friends(which are top of the list) and knitting. Which I spend at least 4 hours per day on. Hense being a nappy agent and setting up a knitting business, pure heaven on earth :0).

Saturday, July 22, 2006

My first entry

And I can't think what to say. My mind is a total blank, where usually it is full of nappies and knitting which are almost perminatly on my brain.

Today has been a lovely day, met up with one of my best friends and walked to treaddurbay with my daughter. She was made up when we finally got to her house, she has a beautiful wooden floor which as my DD discovered makes a wonderfully fun stomping sound if she walked in a certain way kept her ammused for ages.

DH took my son fishing, but caught nothing apart from some seaweed. They had a good time, they really seam to have a taste for it now. We have 6 macerall in the freezer from there last trip.

Today I have spent 2 hours doing the house work, I really wish I wouldn't let things mount up. Washed 2 loads of nappies and watched them blow in the wind while I cleaned the kitchen, sucha rewarding sight.

Have also done lots of knitting, an inch on the back of a jumper I have promised myself for over a year, it's made with a nice variated all seasons cotton, shade - slash.

2 inches on a beautiful scarf pattern with lornas laces sock yarn in a beautiful cranberry colour , kindly brought by my summer secret santa :0)

It was suppose to be knitted on 4mm needles, but decided that it looked far to baggy and messy so switched to 3mm which has given it a much neater look does mean that it is narrow measuring only 5 and a quarter inches wide when pattern states 8 inches wide. Apparently it is fashionable to have long thin scarfs, just hope I have enough of the wool to make it to a decent length. This is my first proper attempt at something with lacey detail.

Have also done some work, sewn the waist band of 3 pairs of shorts and almost finished a small soaker.

Considering I didn't know what to say I haven't shut up yet, really could talk the hind legs of a donkey


At 23 July, 2006 , Blogger Melody said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogging Cathie!

At 23 July, 2006 , Blogger Piglottie said...

Welcome to blogland Cathie! I love the lace scarf, and the colour of the yarn is gorgeous.

At 30 July, 2006 , Blogger blog-blethers said...

Scarf is looking great, Cathie! Look forward to seeing it finished in Angelyarns gallery!


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