
As my title suggests I am a nappy mad knitter. I have a huge love for cloth nappies, ever since I started using them when my son was 2 months old, I have tried almost every nappy available. The only other things that rank really high on my love list are my family and friends(which are top of the list) and knitting. Which I spend at least 4 hours per day on. Hense being a nappy agent and setting up a knitting business, pure heaven on earth :0).

Friday, May 25, 2007

Race for life photos

Last sunday, the 20th was it of may my mum, my sister and myself took part in Rhyls race for life.

It was a really good day, tiring, draining and a little upsetting. Doesn't make any sence does it! Being in such an intense atmosphere amoungst people who knew exactly how we where feeling, and feeling the loss many of those woman have felt and still feel really brought it home to me how down right scared I am. I think emotionally since I have taken a step back in the progress I have made, things seem a little harder than they did.

But like my dad I am a fighter and I refuse to let things beat me for long. So at the end of the day it was great to take part and I am really glad I did.

I do have a few pictures to share, not many really as we got their just before the start time, there would have been more but my dad the techno dinosaur couldn't work the camera, we love him for it.

This first one shows my parents with my sister, she is 20 months younger than me, though at times I think she is older. The total opposite of me as well in many respects. We used to argue constantly growing up but now we live apart we are the best of friends. Just wished she lived closer

And me with my parents, I look rather chubby in this photo with the way my top is sitting.

Wish I had better pictures to show but never mind I'm not the most photogenic person there is really.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Lots of knitting done, lots still to do

I've had a busy knitting week, not only have I managed to finish a small pair of shorts, 2 small soakers and a newborn soaker(no pictures as yet as I havn't sewn the ends in !) an have just the legs to do on a large pair of shorts. I have also almost finished a sock and frogged it and make good progress on my second forest canopy shawl.

Here first is my sock thats not, I should have tried this on much sooner than getting to this point at sorting the toe, and it doesn't fit, won't go anywhere near my foot, now I have many friends that would love to recieve a pair of hand knitted BFL sock but figure many of them would be unfamilier with the care of pure wool and these would end up being felted. So frogging it was best, anyway I was half wanting to make a patterned pair so it was as upsetting as it should have been.

And here is what I've done so far, just hope I can get the both done and a pair for DS. I will be making them as ankle socks so I should have plently left. It has been a nightmare to work with the frogged yarn. It looks rather like a perm gone wrong, but I am pleased with with the results. It is the free waving not drowing pattern on the violet green website.

And my shawl - The Forest canopy shoulder shawl I am loving this pattern so much, I have almost finished one beautiful skien of fyberspates pink, blue and charcoal sock yarn that I have ordered 2 more.

My original plan was to use one skien to do the main pattern, then to finish of the final repeat with the next skein then complete the decorative border. My plan is now is to use 2 skiens for the main pattern and the 3rd to do the border and hopefully there will be enough for a pair of socks as well.

I have been knitting the shawl on my denise needles I am enjoying using them. They are so light and easy to use, though I am finding the knitting doesn't pass all that easily over the joins, it doesn't snag just struggles. Have had one insident with the needle coming uncliped but think this may have been due to it not being locked in properly. I had a horid through that my hour on the shawl would have been wasted but I managed to salvage it and carry on. I think there may be a small area that might look a little different but it is hard to tell without blocking.

I have also ordered 6 skiens of BFL from fyberspates in a beautiful red and plum colour, this will be listed up on my website as a raffle prize with the procedes going to charity.

I have also recieved a fair amount of goodies this last week, firstly this beautiful skein of Lola sock yarn and a my little fashion house sock bag which I won on an auction listed on the forum for the Rainbow childrens trust. The yarn is gorgeous and I can't wait to use it, though I do have a lot of impending projects at the moment.

Plus I really want to start on this

A white lies design kit, its the yarn show in the pattern on get knitted. There isn't as much yarn as I thought I would get with it though. I also thought that the wool needed would be a lot thicker as I was originally going to buy a louise harding or a sublime yarn which would have cost more and also have been to thick as the yarn is around a DK in thickness. Itching to start on it, and may do once I have finished the remains of my shawl yarn and while I wait for the next skiens to arrive.

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Knitterly type stuff

With being so busy in the shop I havn't done so much knitting, I do have some things to show.

Firstly I have finally recieved my pink denise needles, I ordered them in feb with my christmas money, a long time coming but not sure as yet if they where worth the weight. Theres no 16" option with them at all, and the smallest size looks like it might be triky to use so I don't think I will be using them on shop stuff maybe just my personal knitting and I can retire my old straights as I much prefer circ's

Also recieved this week is this months bright dyes club yarn it is beautiful but look what happened to it!

My own fault was sat winding it on my knee, then someone knocked the door so I draped it over, a few moments with the cat and this was the result. It only took me 2 hours to untaggle it.

And this is the result of an hours knitting, this months entry into the sock a month competition. I do wish that I had tried something a bit more adventurous I did think at the time a pattern may be to much but I've seen a fellow crafty threads forum member using last months yarn with a pattern and it look wonderul. I may well frog this yet!

Also knitted this, it was a wonder full quick to knit project and only a little bit fiddly. This was my keyring swap, mark 2 as the first one didn't go at all to plan so I shamelessly copied of another member. It is a fyberspates sock blocker keyring with a colinette fruit colius sock. I also sent with it a beautiful hemo and hermite necklace.

ALso finally finished a flirty skirty, it was on the needles for such a long time, but I love it. I wish I had made the bigger size so dd could have it, it sort of fits but she could do with an extra couple of inches in the rise, anyway here is my little angel modeling it for me.

And one final thing, I have been knitting summer hats, one done and one almost half done, made with peaches and cream cotton

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You know it's a job well done......

When you get home of an evening, shattered and totally filthy. I decided in my wisdom that the shop could do with a bit of a move around. It took me half a day on friday and most of the day on saterday.

The end result was a very happy but filthy cathie, and a half empty looking shop with the oppertunity of putting many different lines on the shelves.

I should have done before picture before I started, but I can give you a good idea what it looked like. The counter area was cluttered, sort of built up with a gap in the middle, the shelves had rows of products all the same, the peg board things where under utilised, and shelves had products that should be hanging up.

So this is what it looks like now.

This is the view as you walk in through the door

This is the view from the corner opposite the window

THis is part of the hanging space that was previously not used to it's full potential.

Just a few snaps that show what I've been up to, I have a long way to go, and have reclaimed lots of shelve space to put up new products though for a week I may well be fueling the we are closing down rumors.

Have shown these to my dad and he is really pleased with how it looks, and happy that the shop is getting turned around now that it has some new blood and a bit of enthusiasm in it.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Well its May

ANd where on earth did april go, I am shocked at how much the time is flying now, in a couple of weeks time I would have been in the shop for 3 months, I can't believe it I really can't!

Well much has happened since my last post, had some happy news my friend has had a beautiful little boy, quite early at 7 weeks prem, but he is gorgeous and doing just fine, and another friend of mine is pregnant. So happy lots of lovely babies to cuddle and knit for, provided I can find the time!

I have also had a new baby of my own - no not a real baby but a new website and I am chuffed to bits with it so easy to use even for a numpty like me!

My hand knitted flirty skirties have also gone live on babykind, not my pattern but one designed by a very talented WAHM in america check out her work here

In knitting news,

I have done a fair bit, but have also frogged a fair bit as well.

This hat is lovely, sort of old fashioned but ever so practical. Unfortuantly after these pictures where taken I ended up frogging it to sue the yarn to finish a sleeveless pullover I've been desiging, will list pictures once done.

Also finished this week was my babykind flirty skirty



As well as aprils socks, made from posh yarns a beautiful shade of merino yarn, I am so pleased with these and they are a dream to wear.


Then there is stuff I have recieved this week,

THis stunning set of stitch markers curtosy or Susan of crafty threads and yarns, they are beautiful and have already been put to good use.


And my keyring swap - Making me feel a little guilty that mine isn't anywhere near started. I have absolutly no idea who sent it I love it the key ring is filled with a sweet scented potpori I think smells divine anyway, as well as a little candle and a little felt case which I was going to put my circualr needles in but I have far to many to fit.

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