
As my title suggests I am a nappy mad knitter. I have a huge love for cloth nappies, ever since I started using them when my son was 2 months old, I have tried almost every nappy available. The only other things that rank really high on my love list are my family and friends(which are top of the list) and knitting. Which I spend at least 4 hours per day on. Hense being a nappy agent and setting up a knitting business, pure heaven on earth :0).

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Knitterly type stuff

With being so busy in the shop I havn't done so much knitting, I do have some things to show.

Firstly I have finally recieved my pink denise needles, I ordered them in feb with my christmas money, a long time coming but not sure as yet if they where worth the weight. Theres no 16" option with them at all, and the smallest size looks like it might be triky to use so I don't think I will be using them on shop stuff maybe just my personal knitting and I can retire my old straights as I much prefer circ's

Also recieved this week is this months bright dyes club yarn it is beautiful but look what happened to it!

My own fault was sat winding it on my knee, then someone knocked the door so I draped it over, a few moments with the cat and this was the result. It only took me 2 hours to untaggle it.

And this is the result of an hours knitting, this months entry into the sock a month competition. I do wish that I had tried something a bit more adventurous I did think at the time a pattern may be to much but I've seen a fellow crafty threads forum member using last months yarn with a pattern and it look wonderul. I may well frog this yet!

Also knitted this, it was a wonder full quick to knit project and only a little bit fiddly. This was my keyring swap, mark 2 as the first one didn't go at all to plan so I shamelessly copied of another member. It is a fyberspates sock blocker keyring with a colinette fruit colius sock. I also sent with it a beautiful hemo and hermite necklace.

ALso finally finished a flirty skirty, it was on the needles for such a long time, but I love it. I wish I had made the bigger size so dd could have it, it sort of fits but she could do with an extra couple of inches in the rise, anyway here is my little angel modeling it for me.

And one final thing, I have been knitting summer hats, one done and one almost half done, made with peaches and cream cotton

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At 09 May, 2007 , Blogger gilraen said...

Wonderful knits there Cathie. Your Angel looks especially fetching in her skirt! :)

At 10 May, 2007 , Blogger miss mandy of flitwick said...

oh my poor Yarn, but what a great picture of it, maybe I should start taking pics like that to show off the colours perfectly. Your DD looks great in the flirty skirty, It is a shame our family only produce boys.


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