
As my title suggests I am a nappy mad knitter. I have a huge love for cloth nappies, ever since I started using them when my son was 2 months old, I have tried almost every nappy available. The only other things that rank really high on my love list are my family and friends(which are top of the list) and knitting. Which I spend at least 4 hours per day on. Hense being a nappy agent and setting up a knitting business, pure heaven on earth :0).

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A finishing of type day

Well what a day it's been in my house today. One little one with a tummy bug and a grisly bear for a daughter, great fun. DS is fine just worried now DD is heading for this bug, and after a very disturbed night last night I really hope not.

Havn't felt 100% myself either, hopefully all will be well again tomorrow.

So today I have done as much finishing of type stuff as possible. Firstly here are my grapy socks finished at last, and so comfy to wear, not that I should be as they are my mums birthday present. They are now washed and drying on an airer so mum should be none the wiser

Showing of the detail of the finished sock, and less the hole which I managed to stitch up, you wouldn't even know it was there.

And this shows both socks, just to prove I made the two, will be sad to see these go as I really love them, will definatly be making myself a pair, and I am sure my mum will love them just as much as I do.

This is my longest standing WIP finally finished. I started these when the rainforest 6ply first came out. Though these arn't the actual socks. As I worked the second sock on 2 circs I decided to compare with the first, and it was huge in comparison a good centimeter so I had to frog it. I doubt I would have finished them this month if it wasn't 6ply I was working with. Making these my 3rd pair for february. Been a bit quiet for orders, but the break has done me good and I have learnt a few new things. Oh and these socks are my dads birthday present, part of it in anycase.

Some of you may recognise this as DD's dress, well patience with things isn't my strong point and I got quickly fed up with this pattern, and decided that perhaps after all the effort it was a bit to much for a little girls dress.

I couldn't bear to frog it so cast it of and it is the perfect size for a head band and I shall wear it with pride it being my first proper go at a complex pattern. Thats if I can get it of my DD who has an eye for pretty things.

I enjoyied taking part in the dishcloth so much, and have enjoyied using my recieved cloth, even though it is to good for dishes it is lovely to use, I decided I must have another and here it is in a beautiful pink shade of peaches and cream cotton. Though it may be a while before it see's a dish as DD's doll is currently snuggled up in it.

Will definatly be making more of these for gifts, its definatly more fun using hand knitted dishcloths.
I do have more pictures to share of the other WIP I have sorted out today but my camera wasn't charged enough to take any more snaps. Also have new stash to display so will post them later on.

Though I don't really feel as though I have got very far, the actual knitting today has been minimul, mainly sewing in ends with a little bit of knitting. Had a few rows left on my dishcloth and all the longies just needed the ends sew in, most was on the tiger socks as had the foot shaping onwards to do. However it is so good to have finished 6 things off. I must try and finish my shawl but marches sock a month is calling, but will try to keep my WIP count to a minimum in the future.

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At 28 February, 2007 , Blogger gilraen said...

The Grapey socks look fabulous, she should be delighted with them :)

At 07 March, 2007 , Blogger inukshuk71 said...

They are beautiful!!! It's so thrilling to see the pattern works... you never know if you are doing things right until someone else tries it. I hope your mother will love them. Mine ended up going to my mother because I made the foot too short for me. I'll have to make another pair for myself too :)

At 30 May, 2007 , Blogger Linda said...

I love the dishcloth, and the grape socks. Hope you felt better.


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