
As my title suggests I am a nappy mad knitter. I have a huge love for cloth nappies, ever since I started using them when my son was 2 months old, I have tried almost every nappy available. The only other things that rank really high on my love list are my family and friends(which are top of the list) and knitting. Which I spend at least 4 hours per day on. Hense being a nappy agent and setting up a knitting business, pure heaven on earth :0).

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Long time no write.......again

I've been all of a fluster the last few weeks. Not sure if I am coming or going, half the time I am convinced I am on groundhog day where the same day is happening over and over and will continue intil I get it right.

I've also sort of lost my knitting mojo, but I think its more due to the amount of projects I have stacked up for christas gifts and outstanding orders. Due to the postal strikes I had piles of stuff that should have turned up in nice regular well planed intervals, giving me plenty of time to sort the items out before the next stuff arrived.

2 weeks later I am still waiting on the items, then lo and behold the whole lot turns up at once. Next step is needles on fire and unpicking wrong sized items and reworking, on top of new stuff as well. I know I said I liked a challenge but that was plain ridiculous.

Hey ho it's over with thank goodness, theres nothing like trying to sort out 3 weeks worth of work in just the one, and not knowing who to sort first as everyone had been waiting an age.

It needless to say left very little time for anything else. I had started DH's christmas jumper withmind of doing a bit every day I didn't pick it up for a couple of weeks, I just hope I get it sorted in time.

I did manage to finish my socksfor last months challenge, and sent them of to Daisydap for a sock swap as I found that they where to small

I have finshed both but can't find a picture of the 2 together, there is one on her blog through.

I also finished thesefor my dad

Now to this months knitting, what little I have had time for

More socks for my dad, like the others done in DK it knits up so quick, the half done sock was the result of just 3 hours sitting with it in total. It's not a pair for the finished one either. I didn't notice that the yarn repeat was quite a long one and managed to cast on the second sock right in the middle so the stripes didn't match. Didn't like to unpick it so made it slightly smaller in the leg, and hope that I have enough yarn to make 2 pairs, if not the 3rd soak will definatly match one of the socks.

And my final picture

It's a rowan dolly bag, well half of one. I am so pleased with it, after a few hicups getting started I soon got into the pattern. This part only took 2 evenings, and is relitivly quick to knit.

It's the first time I have tackled such a complex pattern and reading from a chart as well. I'm not really liking the rowan cotton much finding it quite harsh on my hands. I do plan to make more bags through, this on is going to my mum for christmas, I'm hoping to get the rest of it finished on the weekend as long as I get upto date with my current shop orders.

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