Been a busy few months
Much has happened since my last post, I have been really busy. Knitting, dyeing wool and designing patterns.
Have also been hindered by a stupid computer which is stuborn and won't do as I ask. To make me even more happy I have lost my internet connection at home. This really made my day no end. Maybe I should have left the laptop where it was rather than putting it away, it was fine when it was left out gathering dust. Oh well, back to ringing the useless lumps at orange, no I think I will pass, they have already had far to much of my cash. 3 months line rental when i couldn't connect. Not to mention nearly an hour of national rate calls, and 3 20 minute calls to the technical team at 50p a minute. An what was the problem, someone entered my phone number in wrong a 4 instead of a one and in 3 months no one picked that up. It will be much cheaper in the long run to pay the line rental than ring them up.
Anyway enough of me and my ramblings, I'm sure thats boring so back to the knitty gritty. Firstly to my pattern designing, I have totally given up on raglan sleeves for now, I just can't get them to work at all. So I have opted for square sleeves, which is ideal in it's own right as there is less seaming.
It's chunky bluefaced leicester yarn, it is so soft and and cuddly. I have also designed a jumper using Rowan all seasons cotton yarn. Both in sizes from 16 inch chest (approx 3 months) to a 30 inch chest which is around 6 0r 7 years I think, please someone correct me if this is wrong. Not made any bigger sizes yet. Will soon correct that when I finish my halloween items.
Right my efforts at dyeing wool.
This is a pile of BFL and amoungst the first yarns that I have dyed with food colouring. My four year old had a great time choosing the colours of the yarn.
I have a few more pictures to end which I will do at a later date. For some reason they won't load up anymore.
In other news.
After many weeks of nagging we have rehomed our dog. This desision wasn't taken lighty as the decision to get her. THose that regularly read my blog will know that I wasn't happy with this decision having not been consulted at all.
Anyway, the first weeks after she came to use she was fine, and seemed to settle right in. After that it became obvious that she was bored. She got over boysterous with our children and for the last few weeks of her stay she was stuck in the kitchen where she started digging out the wall dividing between the kitchen and bathroom.
As the weeks passed it became more and more obvious that we wern't suited. So afer much nagging DH finally rehomed her with a local family with older children. By all accounts she is having a wonderful time.
I was fairly sad to see her go, she was beautiful, she was just full of beans and with our busy schedules she wasn't getting the excersie she was needed. DS was really upset that she was going, but was happy that she was going to someone who could love her as much as we did and make her really happy. Just hope he doesn't hate me for my decision, it wasn't an easy one to make.
Thats it for now, will update on shop/knitting progress as I can. Hopefully I will have a decent computer sorted out sooner rather than later