First post in a while
Not had a chance to write for a while, well I think maybe I even forgot about my blog for a moment there.
Have been fairly busy the last few weeks, mainly tidying up the house as my friend is arriving to stay in just over a week. Not done much knitting wise, have take a bit of a break after the sheer number of orders I had to complete after listing several items at half price. I knitted betewen 6 and 8 hours everyday to keep ontop of it. But boy did I enjoy the challenge., and it was so nice to make things to order instead of making things I think people might want.
That said I did make my little girl her first pair of wool shorts in a long time, knitting for the family has taken a backseat since I opened my store. Poor thing had long out grown hers, I made them with a draw string and I am so glad that I did. She is certaily in that I'm going to pull my nappy of stage, she got quite frustrated when her shorts wouldn't pull down like she wanted them to. Actually it's a hard job to get clothes on her these days, it's one huge inconvience. Here is a picture of her in it, she wouldn't look at the camera at all.
She's been a total daddy's girl since her dad was signed of work, she as had little or no need for me at all. She used to fall asleep with my hair in her hands, which she doesn't do any more,used to love that. Both of them used to use my hair as a comforter. DS used to as well, he still does when he is overtired or upset. She used to love going in her sling and would scream if she was in the buggy, now it's been months since she's been in it. She normally prefers it to the buggy, but now she is prefering her feet above anything, I really miss that special closeness we shared, those moments are irriplaceable. Here's a picture of the last time we used the sling
On a visit to the LLechwedd slate caverns, wasn't the easierst place to visit as I have never been keen on steps with the sling, and there was a huge staircase to climb, mainly as I can't see my feet and don't trust them to work right when I can't see them, I'm forever falling over my own feet or thin air anyway.
Other knitting news, I started on that jumper for my little girl despite haivng too much to do already. I brought acrylic yarn, simply as it is cheaper and I have never takled and intarsia pattern before. I must say isn't nice to work with after using nothing but pure yarns for the last 12 months. It is nice and soft thought being a baby yarn. It is 4ply and has been surprisingly quick to knit, I've cvompleted the sleeves and the back is as good as done. Left the front till last on account of having no black 4ply yarn. I have since recieved this from Angel yarns so hope to start on the front pretty soon. Havn't even looked at my ASC jumper, really must finish that before starting anything else. THough I do want to make something special for my gran as well, which will porbably get started regardles ofwhat else is on the go.
Have also made my first sock, wasn't anywhere near as hard as I thought it would be, even though I did make a mistake and grated the toe in the wrong direction. It was really hard to figure out, I was so sure I had it right as well.
Not to bad really considering it is the first time I have tried sock knitting. Have to say that I really enjoyied it, even though I'm not over keen on DPN. Have ordered 2 sets of circulars from angel yarns but they havn't come in as yet, going to try the magic loop next time have brought 4 other balls of sock yarn (the above is opal rainforest in Owl) Also have the doctor fish, ladybird and tiger in the rainforest range, have a nice pink colour 2 skiens of lornas laces which was me SSS gift and last but not least a skien of pure silk soak yarn. Certainly added to my stash since I joined the AY forum. Now I just need that extra few hours in the day to knit with all these beautiful yarns.
Other news - Am thinking about starting to design my own knitwear, have been looking for a course that I can attend but there isnothing that is child friendly hours wise or close to wehre I live. Have found a program online that I am umming and aahing over, just waitng for the company to get back to me with the many answers to my many questions. Would much rather do a course though, but think that maybe something to aim for once both littluns are in full time school. With DD being a november baby(shares her birthday with my grandad and Billy Conelly) She won't be starting until 2009, seams an awful long way away but I know that it will fly. She will be going in as one of the oldest in her class, were as DS he will be starting school in september as the youngest in his class, can't believe my baby is starting full time school already.
Your little girl looks such a cutie! Have to agree that joining the AY forum is bad for the bank balance but good for the stash enhancement!
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